Bapak/Ibu, Sdra/Sdri, teman-teman mahasiswa izinkan saya mensharingkan salah seorang mahasiswi di Binus University yang perlu kita dukung supaya bisa menjadi “Asia’s Best Young Entrepreneurs 2009”
Andina Nabila Irvani adalah mahasiswa Binus University semester 4 dari jurusan Design Komunikasi Visual dengan prestasi akademik yang baik dan aktif di Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa Bina Nusantara English Club (BNEC) sebagai Staf of Merchandising Division. Andina termasuk salah satu mahasiswa yang akan mewakili Binus University mengikuti Thailand Students Camp at UI on 9th of October 2009.
Andina, a student of visual communiaction design at Bina Nusantara University, began painting her sister’s canvas shoes juat for fun. what started as a hobby has turned into a potential business. Andina and her sister Neissa Arviana, a graduate of the School of Business and Management at the Bandung Institutu of Technology, founded Spotlight and started to produce painted canvas shoes in larger quantities. to expand the business, Spotlight decided to make not only painted shoes but also painted T-shirts and bags. The company has five employees and its monthly revenue has reached $150 to $200. Andina is in charge of product and promotion while her sister handles finances and product orders.
Please vote for Andina Nabila Irvani (salah satu wakil Indonesia) dan Spotlight (Sepatu Lukis) for “Asia’s Best Young Entrepreneurs 2009” Business Magazine.
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